Favorite Frames: Dumbo the Flying Elephant | Fantasyland, Magic Kingdom
Last weekend we met up with some friends for an evening at the Magic Kingdom. On our way out the door I considered leaving my camera behind (because, let's be honest, it sometimes feels like just one more thing to manage), but I grabbed it anyway. The first two hours we were out it hung around my neck simply getting in the way as we knocked out a few attractions and then it sat on the table during dinner at the Skipper Canteen, not a single picture taken.
But THEN... then we found ourselves approaching Dumbo when the light was oh so pretty and I was suddenly so glad to have my camera dangling from my neck. I love taking pictures when we're queued up for a ride, the light is often nicely diffused and the children are nicely corralled and cannot get away. It's truly a win-win. ;) And color me excited when Lucas picked the one blue elephant so perfectly aligned opposite the setting sun. That kid... he's a keeper!