Back to School with Holly Hicks Photography

It’s official. My children are both in school now and I have this thing called TIME on my hands. Sure, I’m a part time chauffeur, what with two separate schools and appointments and soccer practice and all, but that other part, that other part belongs to Holly Hicks Photography. For the first time since starting this business, I have actual dedicated work hours and I’m so flipping excited about it.

Raise your hand if you loved “back to school” as a kid?! Picking out fresh pencils and Lisa Frank folders for my Trapper Keeper filled me with joy in the early years. Followed by Jansport backpacks, locker magnets, and loose leaf paper for passing notes back and forth in high school. Only to give way to color coded schedules and planners with enough room to doodle in the margins when I got to college.

It should come as no surprise then that I’m now obsessed with the bullet journal. I read somewhere that bullet journals are mindfulness practice disguised as productivity and I am here for it. With that, I give you the current state of my desk. This season we’re in is a good one for my family and I plan to soak it up and make the most of it, while also making time for myself and for my passion. Time to dream big and create some magic.
