Favorite Frames: Winter Summerland Mini Golf | Walt Disney World
Situated just off of the Blizzard Beach parking lot is a kitschy little ski chalet with a sleigh out front, airstream campers scattered about and a whole lot of Santa everywhere. On surfboards, in chimneys, you name it. It's Winter Summerland Miniature Golf, and it may very well be the most random of mini golf themes, except... except when you play at Christmastime! Because at Christmastime it strangely becomes the perfect duo of Florida weather and Christmas cheer. And it's our go-to family activity for kicking off the holiday season!

And should we talk about what a difference a year makes?! Or nah? Because I pretty much feel like the photo on the left was taken, oh I don't know, last week sometime. Document your days, my friends, because they're here... and then they're not.